Sunday, August 27, 2006

London Pics

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Home of Cricket

Yesterday, I toured Lord's - the mecca of the cricketing world. It was awesome. Due to matches scheduled for the next few days, I was only able to do the shortened version of the tour. But it was still worth it.

Cricket has been played in Lord's since 1814. And in 2012 Lord's will host the archery competiton for the Olympics. Unfortunately, since I did not do the full tour, I did not get the chance to see the Ashes trophy.

In the afternoon, we did the Trafalgar square, Downing Street and Westminister bridge tour. We also took a ride in the London Eye - a ride in a pod-like structure with 360 views of London. Totally worth the price.

Pictures to come!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Live from London

I am actually at the London Business, not as a student. Just staying at the accomodations provided by the school.

I arrived here y'day morning from San Francisco for a short holiday (i really need it). Spent a good part of the day on Baker street and Regent's Park.

In the evening, I attended Prof. Joseph Stiglitz's (Nobel Prize Winner and Columbia Business School Prof) talk on Emerging Markets. He was also promoting his latest book : Making Globalization Work.

On the other hand, my Columbia app is on the back burner. I did re-write portions of my essay on the flight. It needs more work.

Columbia is also holding an info session in San Francsico on Sep 7. Register here