Monday, December 05, 2005

It's been a while...

..since I last updated this blog.

I have started work on my new project, and it looks to be a bigger mess than the previous one. why can't we learn from our mistakes, make intelligent choices, work smart? In the software field, most engineers thinks its best to use the latest technology, do the coolest things. Or the other extreme is to do things one way simply because they have been doing it that way in the past? Can we not innovate, work smart?
That is why I am a big fan of the Agile methodology for software development..only implement the exact requirement specified by the customer, nothing more, nothing less.
On a positive note, my manager has acknowldged my desire to start managing projects and delegates a lot more of the planning tasks to me now.

This is the last week of my Contract Management class..the second in a 6-part series to get my Certificate in project Management.

In the past week I also got a call from a recruiter at one of the hottest tech companies in the Valley..the one whose stock is hovering in the $400 range. She was trying to get me to apply for a job that I was not really interested in. When I emailed her the job description I was really interested in, she cooled off. What's up with that?

I have my GMAT on the 22nd. I still have to work on my essay writing and do full tests going forward. And AVOID silly mistakes.


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